Wednesday, June 19, 2013


First, say hello to Envy. I was going to do a variant on Cece but didn't want to risk any bad vibes carrying over. Yeah, bad vibes on a 650 single, part of the game, right? So I thought I'd go with the Spanish plan again, like Viejo Gris. So I was going to do Nuevo Verde, NV for short. Then I thought Envy was appropriate since right now I envy everyone with a working bike.
So I picked her up this morning. Rode her sans helmet (check that off the goals list) to the hotel and loaded her up. Ran back to All Terrain Moto to pick up paperwork and I was off to Golden, CO.
My first clue that everything wasn't well was when I plugged in my GPS it didn't register as plugged in. The GPS has been tempermental so I didn't think much of it and carried on. I did make it to Brians place in Golden and was greated by a nice sizzling sound from under the seat. I've gotten good at pulling KLRs apart at this point and got the boiling battery out. Turns out the fuse was blown for the cigar lighter. I packed spares. Then off with the tank to check the wiring. Nothing seemed wrong. But I borrowed Brians trunk and bought a multimeter. Still nothing amiss. I'm guessing its a faulty bettery at this point. Going to call All Terrain in the morning to see if I can work something out with them.


  1. No shit. At least I got to use the bottle opener on the skid plate today.

  2. Wow! The adventure continues.

    So, more details on Envy please - year, miles, mods. Looks great in the picture, but ...?

    Maybe you should spend some bucks and get a Lithium Ion replacement battery? Must be this cigar lighter you have connected :-)

    Wes, Linda, Jonathan and I were talking about your (mis)adventures over at ESBC this evening and wondering how many bikes you will go through before you get to New York.

  3. She's an 09 and had about 1600 miles when I bought her. I don't think its the cigar lighter at this point. I went over it and its a bit to simple to screw up. Best case is a bad battery. Worse case, I think, is a bad rectifier. I have a few hours to worry about it until the shop opens.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. see if you can get the gel battery back from the other KLR?
    It's a damned nice battery.

  6. Do you know if the new KLR has the balancer adjuster and spring replaced? (the KLR "doohickey")

  7. No, it doesn't. Thanks for bringing it up. You know what's going to happen now.

  8. well 2008-later have a balancer adjuster that won't shatter like the older ones, the spring just doesn't have a lot of adjustment room. I swapped mine out to a newer adjuster and torsion spring, but for a few thousand miles you should be fine. If you have an 8mm you can do the adjustment just to be sure, but to be honest I've never even heard of a post-2008 with a failure. I swapped it out just in case.

    Oh, I see the crappy seat cover made it to the new bike - best 20 bucks ever!

  9. Wow, that sucks. Don't let those damn gremlins win though!
