Tuesday, May 21, 2013

So, this is a thing

So things aren't totally derailed, just a little delayed. VG had her first ride on Sunday. It was just up and down the street. But still, milestone. Thanks to Jason for the video.

Now I just have to rebuild the rocker boxes to figure out what's blocking the oil flow.


  1. So your UK exhaust showed up and the pros got the engine working? Did you learn much about the engine troubles from them, or did they just work their magic in silence?

  2. Nope. UK failed totally but Canada came through. One of the parts suppliers I use had one exhaust system left. It's a bit different from the set I wanted, but it'll do.
    Getting it running was a matter of exhaust and the proper combination of carb tuning. Now that I have a running bike, I know where to start the carbs at for the other bikes.
