Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And Yet More Progress

For the record, putting the spacers in for the center motor mount, which I guessed would take a few minutes, took five hours and the creative use of some spring compressor. On the up side there was a lot of progress. Not to mention she's on her own two wheels again.

  • Side stand on.
  • Center stand on. But, more fitting is needed later.
  • Motor, finally, bolted in properly.
  • Wiring is oh-so-close to being 100% done. Ignition and regulator/rectifier are finally done.
  • Speedo and tach installed.
  • Side covers on.
  • Seat mounted for the last time (hopefully).
  • Seat latch removed to use the stock hardware. Stock screw seized and had to be drilled out.
  • Seat latch re-installed the way it was.
  • Choke lever cleaned and installed only to notice it's broken and will need to be replaced.
  • Ignition switch cleaned and old tumbler removed.
  • Gearbox cover installed.
  • Oil feed/return pipes installed (next time do this before installing the gearbox cover).
  • Oil pressure sensor installed correctly.

VG April 20, 2013

And, since I haven't put up a picture of the right hand side of the bike.

VG April 20, 2013 RHS

Also, it took me until late on Sunday to realize that I hadn't actually sat on the bright, shiny new bike.

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