Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And Yet More Progress

For the record, putting the spacers in for the center motor mount, which I guessed would take a few minutes, took five hours and the creative use of some spring compressor. On the up side there was a lot of progress. Not to mention she's on her own two wheels again.

  • Side stand on.
  • Center stand on. But, more fitting is needed later.
  • Motor, finally, bolted in properly.
  • Wiring is oh-so-close to being 100% done. Ignition and regulator/rectifier are finally done.
  • Speedo and tach installed.
  • Side covers on.
  • Seat mounted for the last time (hopefully).
  • Seat latch removed to use the stock hardware. Stock screw seized and had to be drilled out.
  • Seat latch re-installed the way it was.
  • Choke lever cleaned and installed only to notice it's broken and will need to be replaced.
  • Ignition switch cleaned and old tumbler removed.
  • Gearbox cover installed.
  • Oil feed/return pipes installed (next time do this before installing the gearbox cover).
  • Oil pressure sensor installed correctly.

VG April 20, 2013

And, since I haven't put up a picture of the right hand side of the bike.

VG April 20, 2013 RHS

Also, it took me until late on Sunday to realize that I hadn't actually sat on the bright, shiny new bike.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stripping the frame

Here's a little time lapse I made while stripping the paint off VG's frame. Note the protective gear while using caustic aircraft paint stripper.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More build progress

April 8, 2013:
VG April 8, 2013
What's new? Wiring harness is in. New kick start quadrant installed. Handle bars on. Handle bar controls cleaned up and installed. Throttle cleaned up and installed. Clutch connected and working. And, the license plate mounts are on.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013